The FBI has developed a specific resume template for people who want to become FBI special agents. Job postings for these positions will include access to the FBI federal resume template. Applicants must complete every section on the template with the exception of the Military Experience section, which is only necessary for veterans.
The template sections are:
- Summary Statement
- Professional Skills
- Professional Work Experience
- Other Work Experience
- Education
- Certifications and Achievements
- Training
- Volunteering and Community Service
- Military Experience
1. In the Summary Statement section, applicants write two or three sentences showcasing their strongest skills. Under Professional Skills, people may list skills gained through education and career experience. When completing an FBI federal resume, technical knowledge and foreign language fluency should be mentioned when possible.
2. Information about professional and other work experience needs to include all applicable information like job title, salary, HR contact, and description of duties. The Education section should present educational credentials in descending order of importance.
3. The sections for Certifications, Achievements, and Training should provide details about the organizations that provided training, dates of attendance, and location. To describe volunteer work or community service, job seekers must list organizations and locations and briefly explain duties and responsibilities.
When filling out the resume template, applicants need to write paragraphs describing actual stories from their career that demonstrate their skills. Each paragraph should have a narrative quality that recounts how the person mastered a skill, solved a problem, or displayed quick thinking.
These job stories should address the following FBI core competencies:
- Analytical thinking
- Interpersonal ability
- Initiative
- Organizing and planning
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Communication
The FBI federal resume guide provided to applicants by the Bureau does not necessarily make clear that the resume writer should use a narrative approach to illustrate the core competencies desired in job candidates. Although the template is only a couple pages, it is all right for it to be four or five pages once someone finishes entering the necessary information.

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Jim is an executive resume writer who stays abreast of the newest trends in the employment industry. He develops high-performance federal resumes to build a successful career.