Categories: UsaJobs Tips

USAJOBS Application Status

You might have heard already that applying for a federal government job is a process that takes much time. First of all, you will need to invest a considerable amount of time and effort into creating a decent resume tailored for the specific job announcement you want to apply for. After creating a resume using the USAJOBS resume builder or uploading your own federal resume file, you will need to complement your application with other documents listed in the job announcement requirements, as well as fill in the self-assessment questionnaire. This is when your application package becomes complete and ready to be submitted.

But what happens next?

After submitting your application, you enter the process of being screened and evaluated by the Federal Human Resources Specialist. On your part, all you can do now is watch the changes in your USAJOBS application status, which you can find at “my USAJOBS account“.

When you go to the application manager page, you will see the list of all your applications with the updated application status displayed next to each application. Below, we will explain what each status means, in other words, the current position of your application in the long federal government job application process.

USAJOBS Application Status

Each status in the following list shows that your application has been received and moves forward in the application process.


This status means that the hiring agency has received your application. Your application status will change into Received when your application has successfully gone through.


The USAJOBS Reviewed status will most likely appear only after the job announcement is closed by the hiring agency. This ensures that the process of evaluating the applications is fair. However, this also means that you might have to wait for quite a long time until the Received status of your application changes into the Reviewed status. Please note that not all hiring agencies assign this status to a candidate’s application after it was reviewed.

How long does USAJOBS take to review applications? The application reviewing process might take some time, so you will need to be patient when waiting for your application status updates. The duration of this process depends on many factors including the number of applicants for the specific position. Normally, it will take from 2 to 4 weeks for your application to get reviewed.


You might not see the USAJOBS application status Best Qualified shining next to your application, however, this is what basically the USAJOBS Referred status means. Those applications that are considered by the Federal Human Resources Specialist best qualified for the position at USAJOBS are referred to the selecting official. This means that your application has moved one step further in the application process, and the selecting official will now be evaluating your application to determine whether to select you for the job interview.


This status shows that your application has been chosen by the selecting official, who decided that you are qualified enough to be invited for an interview and receive a job offer. Nevertheless, after seeing this application status, the candidate should still be patient since it might take some time before they receive a phone call from the hiring agency.


This is the status that does not need much explanation. It appears next to your application after you have accepted the job offer you were made by the hiring agency.

Paused USAJOBS Application Status

If you can see such a status next to your application, this means that you need to take further action in order to complete it.

In Progress

This status basically shows that your application is in the middle of the completion/submission process, which is to be finished.


When you see the USAJOBS Application Incomplete status next to your application, this means that you need to take action so that your application could be accepted by the application system. This status can appear when your application lacks some documents required by the position or when you have not completed the application submission process.

Stopped USAJOBS Application Status

If one of the following status updates appear next to your application at USAJOBS, this means that either your candidature has been considered not qualified enough to continue the competition or the hiring agency has canceled the job announcement.

Not Referred

This status means that your application, after being reviewed, was not considered one of the best qualified in order to be referred to the selecting official.

Not Selected

This application status shows that the selecting official has not chosen your candidature to be offered an invitation to the job interview.

Not Hired

This status appears when you have either declined the job offer made by the hiring agency or when you have not been offered the job.


You might see this application status when the hiring agency has canceled the job announcement without hiring anyone.

What Does Status Candidate Mean on USAJOBS

While sounding like one of the USAJOBS application status terms, the “status candidate” has a different meaning.

This term refers to the former or current federal employees who have a total of three years of qualifying service. The status candidates can apply for the positions that are marked as open to Federal employees – Competitive service, also known as “merit promotion”.

Still unsure about how to use USAJOBS site? Read our guide articles:

How to complete an occupational questionnaire on USAJOBS

View Comments

  • Hi, what does "non-competitively referred to the selecting official" mean and what to expect next? Thank you.

    • Hi Eric P,
      This means that the candidate's qualification is based on a non-competitive hiring authority.

  • What does Veterans in Best category were referred mean?

    • Hi Jo,

      It means that veterans are given preference in hiring. It is important to note that Veterans' preference does not guarantee a job and does not obligate the agency to use any particular appointment process.

  • I have a message that states "you are not within reach to be referred" i cant find what that statement means. Im assuming they are not moving forward with my application but i would like to kbow how to get "within reach"

    • Hi Shannon,

      It has nothing to do with your location. It means that other candidates scored higher, have a preference or are internal candidates so your application was not considered.

  • Hello,

    I was referred to the hiring manager; had a very good interview with panel. I was told it would be the ejd of September, (about 2 months). Then I noticed the top of results say Not referred. I did not receive an email associated with this change, maybe it was just a fluke? Thank you!

    • Hello Suzanne,

      In this case, I would recommend you to speak directly to the hiring manager or contact person with whom you communicated during the hiring process. You can send a polite email expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and inquiring about the status of your application.

  • I applied for a federal job on 5/31/2023. It closed 6/13/23. On 8/21 the vacancy was canceled. No reason no date of cancellation. It was reopened and closed for first 200 applications. I was never notified to reapply as I worked during the time it was open. What’s going on?

    • Hi Regina,

      Things happen. There are several reasons: not enough applicants, the first publication was a mistake, etc.

  • Hello,
    I applied to a USA Jobs position listed as “Direct Hire”. The first day when I applied before the application deadline, I submitted my resume, application, and two transcripts and got an automated reply that mentioned the questionnaire. I went back in as I had not seen anything specific during the application process that said questionnaire on it, but when I double checked, I had completed everything asked for on the application.
    Since this position is a “Direct Hire”, I crafted a email and submitted it directly to the local office as a cover letter of sorts. My status Day 1 said “Received”…Then when I printed it out, it listed “processed”only for my resume. It said “pending retrieval” for my transcripts.
    I decided to go back in, since it was before the application deadline, and submit a cover letter (online to the hiring authority that is not local).
    I got the same automated email, the status still shows “Received”, but now, my resume has switched from saying “processed” to “pending retrieval”…on Day 2, my cover letter says “processed”but my resume and two transcripts still say “pending retrieval”.
    Should I be concerned that the resume status went from “processed”to “pending retrieval”, or that the transcripts are still “pending retrieval”?
    I am really psyched about this job opportunity so would love any insights that can be shared.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Colleen,

      I recommend you wait a little bit. Remember that application processing times may vary, and it is not uncommon for the status of an application to change during the evaluation process. Stay positive and patient, and best of luck with your application!

  • How long after taking a GS-6 position would you have to wait before posting for a GS-7

    • The timing for promotions, including moving from a GS-6 to a GS-7 position, depends on agency-specific policies, individual performance, and other factors. On average, waiting periods of 1 year at steps 1-3, 2 years at steps 4-6, and 3 years at steps 7-9.

  • HI, if you get referred should you contact the hiring manager or wait for them to contact you.

    • Hi NK,

      It’s good to be referred, it means they’re going to look closer at your application. However, it can take weeks to months before you get an invitation for an interview. Just keep applying and good luck!

  • Hi Daniella,
    Is it a good idea to contact the hiring manager once you are referred for a position or should I wait for sometime to let them contact you first?


    • Hi Narjis,
      It may take months to process your application with this status. Be patient and keep applying!

    • Hello Ariel Crumpler,
      “Referred” means you were on the list of candidates for possible interview. It may take months to process your application with this status. Good luck!


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